Below are our articles on the subject of Electronics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Real iPod Or a Knock-Off?
The iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle have been copied – but there are distinctive differences between the fakes and the real thing....

Can Your Trust a Download?
We download things from the Internet all the time, but can we really trust what we download to be safe?...

Counterfeit Batteries Do Cause a Problem
Counterfeit batteries can be dangerous, and using them could cause a fire or explosion – so it’s important to be able to tell the real from the fakes....

Counterfeit Electrical Goods and Home Safety
Our houses are packed with electrical goods, and we rely on them every day – but can you trust the counterfeits with your life?...

Counterfeit Video Games - Beware of the Fakes
There are plenty of fake video games for sale, but these tips will help you avoid them and stick to the real thing....

Fake Apple Items
In February 2011, counterfeit Apple items estimated to be worth $10 million were seized from a warehouse in Los Angeles - an indication of how big the trade in fake…...

How the Software Industry is Fighting Counterfeits
Pirated software is intellectual property theft, and steps are finally being taken to effectively counter it....

Information on Big Brand Fakes
Finding information about counterfeits isn’t easy, but there are places to go and learn, where you can arm yourself for the fight against fakes....

Pirated CDs - Is There A Problem?
The huge trade in pirated CDs- which are believed to total one-third of all global CD sales – takes money from record labels and, more importantly, artists and composers....

Pirating E-books
As the popularity of e-books begins to take off, e-book piracy is on the increase, presenting possible problems for the future....

Spotting a Fake DVD
These days it can be hard telling counterfeit DVDs from the real thing, but these tips will guide you....

Spotting Counterfeit Software
Buying counterfeit software not only means you get a fake, but you also leave yourself open to viruses, identity theft and more – plus you won’t qualify for the real…...

The Trade in Fake Mobile Phones
Fake mobiles phones are a huge business, but one that's completely illegal and without any safety standards....